Friday, July 18, 2014

Keeping the Vision

You are at a new place in ministry. Maybe it’s a different church, state, even age group focus. So what do you do? One of the first and most critical aspects of beginning a new ministry, I feel, is establishing an overall vision for the ministry you are put in charge of. Now sometimes this may be done for you generically, as the whole church operates under a certain vision from the head pastor. But perhaps not. Maybe you have come into a situation where you’re responsible for the vision of the ministry. So you pray and seek God’s guidance and develop a vision, mission statement, a plan of attack or ministry strategy, if you will. It sounds great, looks great, and you can’t wait to implement it into the ministry.

Fast forward several years, possibly months, and a question should arise. Are we still following the vision? You know it is easy to make sure the vision is followed at first. It is fresh, new, and exciting. But keep going down the road and it becomes more of an afterthought at times than a driving force.

Of course from time to time you may see the vision adjusting and need to change it some but I believe that one key to being successful in ministry is sticking to the vision God has laid out to you for the ministry. This is not an easy thing to accomplish though. It takes perseverance and focus. Constantly, reminding all of the workers of the goal. Doug Fields, In Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, suggest that you at least remind people of the vision or purpose of the ministry every twenty-six days.[1] This may sound very repetitive but it drives the purpose into the forefront of thought. It keeps focus in the ministry. It keeps organization and a general unity amongst the workers.

So the question is simple. Are you focusing on your ministry vision? If not why? Perhaps you have simply gotten busy and distracted from the vision. I encourage you to return to it as soon as possible. By focusing on the purpose your ministry can be more effective, unified and focused. The challenge is not to lose sight of the vision.

[1] Doug Fields. Purpose Driven Youth Ministry. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998.

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