So what is one thing kids love? Yes, they love candy. And yes, video games, sports, and the disney channel are very popular. But one thing I see kids always getting excited about is something new! It really doesn't matter what it is, if it's new that brings excitement, and anticipation into their lives.
Yet, often times I've also seen ministries and ministry workers get into a rut of doing things the way they have always been done. Now this isn't all bad. It provides structure and a sense of what to expect for the children. But if every once in a while we, as children's ministry volunteers and ministers, would expand our horizons, step out of our comfort zones and try to do something new, the way kids view our ministry, events, teaching, and even us could drastically change. By changing a teaching style Sunday school can go from normal to exciting, especially for the child that is not just a verbal learner. Learning a new skill could take your children's church to a level of awesomeness not yet reached. But it takes time, effort, and a willingness to try something new.
This is something recently I've been faced with in my ministry. But not because things have become typical or old news but rather because of God's leading. I have begun to attempt learning to juggle and use a diablo (Chinese yo-yo). To me this is something drastically new and will take a long time to form a "routine" and get comfortable with it. But when the kids at my church see a Chinese yo-yo in a object lesson, I bet they listen because it's something new and exciting.
The question for you is what new skill or trick could you learn? Maybe it's a magic trick, using art, or utilizing the kids to tell a story. The possibilities are almost limitless.
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