Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Journey Off the Map

It is that time of year again. VBS is just around the corner. Children's ministers and VBS directors are scrambling to get those last minute volunteers to sign up and help out with what is probably one of the greatest outreach opportunities for the church throughout the year. Decorations are being made so the church looks awesome. Snacks and crafts are being ordered in bulk to make sure that everyone has enough supplies. I encourage you to take a quick break though and look at what VBS is all about. That's right for just one second take a break, put down the volunteer recruiter sheet or supplies request list that is in your hand and think about VBS as a whole, not just the workers or stuff you need.

The Message

Of course every year Lifeway seems to come out with an awesome, amazing, and exciting theme for the week. This year is no different as kids will Journey Off the Map in search for God and the amazing truths in His word. This message is great for kids because in order to meet Christ we have to come to know and have faith where we didn't before. We have to come to the realization that Jesus is God's son, who paid the price for our sins. Which means we journeyed into unknown or uncharted territory.

Throughout the course of the week kids will go through stories of Jesus and his ministry, death, burial, and Resurrection. But they will also spend time in Daniel looking into the life of people, who were not much older than them when they made amazing stands for God. This is a driving home point to utilize in showing the kids (especially preteens) that they don't have to wait to become adults to follow God.

The Week

What an important week this is! Hopefully you will see kids come through the doors of your church that never would have otherwise. Family Night might bring not just kids but their parents as well. And this is the time you have to try to reach or connect with them. Don't take that time for granted. Instead be mindful and intentional with the opportunity your church has been given. If you haven't already begin praying for the kids and their families, who will take part in your VBS. Also remember that while now is the planning stage. The week of should be all about relationships. Building relationships with kids, their parents, and your community as a whole.

Now that you've thought about some aspects of VBS as a whole, take a moment to pray then pick that volunteer sheet back up and get ready for what is probably going to be an amazing week.

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