Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Conferences. . .a great opportunity

One thing that is a great resource for ministers are conferences. This is a time where maybe you get to take a road trip or even fly and be around a lot of other ministers too. In a conference setting, as a minister you get to go somewhere and hear from others about things happening in ministry and hopefully catch onto some great ideas of things that could help boost your ministry at home. Obviously it is a great time for one to gain a greater knowledge and understand. It is a training opportunity for ministers today.

But by going to a conference one can gain so much more than just realizing new ideas and trends in ministry. During the course of a conference, a minister can network and develop relationships. I would say that at no other time can you as a minister so easily and effectively meet other like-minded people face to face. Not to mention that the other ministers you meet will probably be from all over the region, country, or at times maybe even world. This allows you to see what’s going on in ministry in so many different situations. Developing these relationships can be a great opportunity, as you can later go back and see how each other is doing in ministry, bounce ideas off each other, and just simply share in life together.

Conferences can also be a time of rest and renewal for ministers. Perhaps you have been super busy lately and just had no time to get away. Conferences can be that opportunity, where you can relax a bit and rest. Sure you are going from session to session, but you can relax in knowing you just get to listen. This could also be a time where maybe you get to focus more on your own relationship with Christ, instead of planning and studying all the time.

I have been to several great conferences over the years and have some already scheduled for the upcoming year. I hope that you will consider going to a conference this year as well. Whether you need to gain some insight and knowledge, rest, or network with other ministers. Perhaps, you even need all three. It seems there are so many conferences readily available today, I hope you’ll take advantage of the opportunity set before us.

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