Are you taking time to feed yourself? Now I know this sounds like an odd question. I mean of course your taking your lunch break and maybe hitting up the closest fast food joint from the church. And every morning you wake up and grab that bowl of cereal or eggs. Then at night you know supper is a great meal. Of course your feeding yourself right? We all make sure we take time out of our day to eat because our bodies need fuel to keep going. Without food we will become sluggish, tired, and lethargic. So to keep going and hopefully fulfill our jobs and relationships to the best of our ability we eat right.
But are you taking the same stance in your spiritual life? Are you, as a minister of the gospel, taking time to feed yourself God's word? Now don't get me wrong I know it is easy to get caught up in whatever ministry your focused on and there is always someone you can help and serve. But the fact is your still a person like everyone else. You still must have a relationship with the God you serve, like everyone else. One thing that requires is purposefully spending quality time with Him daily.
Notice, I said quality time not quantity time. Because the length of time can vary from day to day. And I believe it can be different for every person. But quality time, that is needed no matter who you are. Time where you get alone with God and personally meet with Him. This is vital for all ministers, after all its hard to tells others about someone you never meet, spend time, or talk with. So maybe you've been in a rut and neglecting your time with God, maybe you need to make it a meeting time where you set aside a specific time daily. But make sure your connected to the vine.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" John 15:5
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